





Welcome Speech to the Homestay Group from St. Stanislaus College

By Katsuo Matsumoto

Headmaster at Nagasaki Nanzan Junior & Senior High School

April 9, 2009


Good afternoon, everyone. Today we have a wonderful guest from Australia. Yes, the homestay group from St. Stanislaus College, our sister school.


Friends at Stannies, welcome to Nagasaki. We are very happy to receive you. From now on, you are going to visit Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and Tokyo to play rugby and basketball. We are most honored to be chosen as the starting point of your tour in Japan. Our rugby team and basketball team are good teams. Tomorrow afternoon we are supposed to have goodwill matches. We cannot wait, can we? It will be fun and exciting.


I am sure that you will be busy and tired during your stay in Japan. You need to spend a lot of energy on rugby games and basketball games. And also, it is not always easy to adjust yourselves to foreign culture such as language, food, and various customs. However, don’t worry for that. Japanese people are very kind. Many people are much interested in English and willing to help you. Nagasaki Nanzan Junior and Senior High School is not exception. Of course, our English skills are poor, but we always want to be your good friends. We are the same human. Even though there is a language barrier between us, we can overcome and understand each other. Our relationship as sister schools for the past twelve years has proved that it is true.


There are many exciting places to visit in Japan. Especially in Nagasaki, you can find a lot of historic places and a beautiful piece of scenery. About 300 years ago, when Japan closed the door to foreigners, Nagasaki continued the commercial relationship with China and Holland. Also, what is more important, traditionally, there are many Christians in Nagasaki. Therefore, even in Japan, Nagasaki seems to be one of European cities. Please do not miss important sightseeing spots in Nagasaki.


Concluding my welcome speech, I wish your wonderful experience during your stay in Japan. May God bless all of you. Thank you.


ご覧になった皆様のご意見やご感想をお寄せください。 kokusaikouryuu@n-nanzan.ed.jp